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We work in the social and the economic sectors

Social Sectors

Social Sectors


We organize mobile clinics at a derisory price. Each year, we carry out nearly fifty mobile clinics in the nineteen municipalities thanks to our meager resources and with the help of FOOD FOR THE POOR. The rural sections do not have health centers and dispensaries. It is essential to provide these rural sections with health centers. When COVID19 arrived, we distributed more than 5,000 hygienic kits (face mask or muffler etc.)

2-Training and seminars:

On each important date, we organize training seminars on health and the economy for our members. Thousands of women and girls have benefited from these trainings. We had the privilege of benefiting from training funded by CECI (Canada) on violence against women and young girls, hence the need to provide municipalities with educational training centers. Current topics are always covered by professionals in the field such as: role of the housewife, social life, Covid 19, how to avoid early pregnancy and communicable diseases, etc.

3.-Awareness raising

Awareness is always done during the country festivals through the local media by advertising spots. In addition, we organize mobilizations with placards, banners, jerseys with a specific theme such as: “Mésié yo pa violated fanm yo ak tifi yo” or “Mésié yo protéjé fanm ak tifi yo”.


We distribute food and hygiene kits, hot meals on important dates and under well-defined circumstances.


Regarding civil rights, we teach them to know their rights and duties, to love their country, and also to know how, who and why to vote. More than thirty women have already participated in the elections in the North department. In short, we have and will have dynamic women who know and will know how to face society.

Economic Sectors

Economic Sectors

We teach women and girls how to start and run a small business in:

1.-Culinary arts:

We are planning two annual seminars in the municipalities to train women and girls in cooking and baking. Since our inception, thousands of them have attended and will continue to benefit from these seminars.


We have a workshop where women and young girls learn to make sandals, necklaces, bracelets, chains and hats thanks to the financial assistance of the OGDNH which works together with the World Bank.

3.-Food industry:

We work in the transformation of fruits into jam, jelly such as: mangoes, guavas, grapefruits, and cocoas to make liquor. In addition, we teach these women and young girls how to make Clorox, liquid soap (Fabuloso), etc. They really appreciated these trainings.

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