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Our Story

Federation of Organized Women of the North (FEFONORD)


We, the women of the North of Haïti, after having reflected many times on the degrading and alarming situation of the women of the North, we have seen fit to regroup by setting up a federation called Federation of Organized Women of the North with the acronym FEFONORD whose head office is in Cap- Haïtien. It was founded on December 21, 2016, non-profit, humanitarian and apolitical.


The executive committee is made up of nine members:

1- Amanousse Béliard MICHEL: General Coordinator

2- Bernadette METELLUS: Deputy General Coordinator

3- Jésula ELMA: Secretary General

4- Nicole PHETIERE: Deputy Secretary General

5- Anne Rose LOUIS-CHARLES: Treasurer

6- Rita ALOUIDOR: Spokesperson

7- Mamotte BIEN-AIME: Delegate

8- Marie Pluviose SAIMBERT: Advisor

9- Elisabeth LUCIEN: Advisor


In addition to this committee, we have a representative of FEFONORD per municipality and we cooperate with more than sixty organizations distributed in the following 19 municipalities:


  1. Cap-Haïtien

  2. Quartier-Morin

  3. Limonade

  4. Milot

  5. Grande Rivière

  6. Bahon

  7. Saint-Raphaël

  8. Pignon

  9. La Victoire

  10. Ranquite

  11. Dondon

  12. Plaine du Nord

  13. Acul du Nord

  14. Limbé

  15. Bas-Limbé

  16. Port-Margot

  17. Plaisance

  18. Pilate

  19. Borgne

Haiti google map_edited.jpg

Here is the detailed list of municipalities and organizations there.                                               

1-Cap- Haïtien:

  1. OFAKS:          Organisation Fanm Kalvè St Thérèse

  2. OFALA:           Organisation Fanm Lafoset  an Action

  3. OFEN:           Organisation Fanm Emancipé Nord

  4. ODEVFAM:     Organisation   pour le Developpement des Femmes de Madeline

  5. OFVL:            Organyzasyon Fanmm Vanyan Lafoset

  6. OFDEC:         Organisation  des Femmes pour le Développement de  Conasa

  7. MOFAPA:       Mouvement  Fanm Petite-Anse



  1. ODEFEQUAM:Organisation pour le Développement Des Femmes De Quartier -Morin

  2. AFMA:           Association des Femmes Morinoises en Haïti

  3. MFAG:           Mouveman Fanm en Action Grand-Pre

  4. AFASKA:         Assosyasyon Fanm Solid Kadouch

  5. OFVDK:          Organisation Fanm Vanyan pou le Develoman de Katye-Morin



  1. OFEVAL:         Organisation Fanm Vanyan Limonade

  2. RAFAVAL:         Rasanbleman Fanm Vanyan de Limonade



  1.  AFDCP :        Association des Femmes  pour le Développement de Carrefour des Pères

  2. OFEDEM:       Organisation Femme  pour le Développement de Milot


5-Grande Rivière du Nord:

  1. AFUSG:         Association des Femmes Unifiées de la 3ème Section  de la Grande Rivière du Nord

  2. OFPCG:        Organisation  Fanm  pou Chita Grande Rivière

  3. OFDEG:        Organisation  des Femmes pour le Développement de la  Grande Rivière           



  1. AFAPD:          Assosyasyon Fanm Pwoduktif Dondon

  2. MFD:            Mouvman Fanm Dondon

  3. CFPD:           Combite  des Femmes Paysannes de Dondon



  1. GFAS:           Gwoup Fanm an Aksyon  Senrafayel

  2. FAVS:            Fanm Vanyan Senrafayel

  3. AFASS:          Asosyasyon Fanm Siniago Senrafayel



  1. AFDP:            Association Fanm pou Developeman Pignon

  2. TEKFADEP:     Tèt Kole Fanm pou Developman Pignon


9-La Victoire :

  1. OFDL:           Organisation Fanm pou Develoman Lavictoire

  2. MFLV:           Mouveman Fanm La victoire

  3. FVLV:            Fanm Vanyan La Victoire



  1. OFADR:         Organisation  Fanm  Active  pour le  Developpment de Ranquitte

  2. MDFR:          Mouvement  pour le  Developpement  Femmes de Ranquitte



  1. OFAB:          Organisation des Femmes Actives de Bahon

  2. MFB:            Mouveman Fanm Bahon


12-Plaine du Nord:

  1. OCADPL:      Organisation Cathrine Flon pour le Developpeman Plaine Du Nord

  2. RFPDN:         Rasamblement Fanm Plaine Du Nord


13-Acul du Nord:

  1. AFAPEK:        Assosyasyon Fanm Peyizan  Kampech

  2. MFKFL:          Mouvement Fanm Kore Fanm Lakil

  3. OFSL:           Association Fanm Solide Lakil

  4. OFVG:         Organisation Fanm Vanyan  Grizongad



  1. RAFAL:          Rassemblement des Femmes Actives Limbé

  2. OFALA:         Organization des Femmes Limbe en Action

  3. OFDBR:        Organisation des Femmes pour le Développement de Bas-Ravine

  4. OGPFL:        Organization des Groupes Productifs des Femmes de Limbé



  1. AFVAB:          Assosyyasyon Fanm Vanyan Bas-Limbé

  2. MFPBL:          Mouveman Fanm Pwoductif Bas-Limbé



  1. ODP:            Organisation pour le Developpement de Port-Margot

  2. GFAPM:        Group Fanm Port-Margot

  3. IFADP:           Inyon Fanm pou Développement Pò-Mago

  4. OFAKPM:      Organisation  Fanm Kapritas Port-Margot



  1. FVP:             Fanm Vanyan Plaisance

  2. AFDKP:         Association Fanm pour Develoman Komin Plaisance

  3. MFP:            Mouvement Fanm Plaisance



  1. OFDP:          Organisation  Fanm pou Developman Pilate

  2. RFDP:           Rasanbleman  Fanm Pou Developman Pilate

  3. OTBP:          Organisation  des Travailleurs  de Ballon Pilate

  4. FODEP:        Fédération  des Organisations  pour le Développement de Pilate



  1. RAFBO:        Rasambleman Fanm Bouk Oborgne

  2. RAFATB:        Rasanbleman Fanm Ti Bouk Borgne

  3. KOFAB:        Komite Fanm Bogne



We see from 2016 to 2023 many women and girls are victims of violence. This is why we always refer them to the departments concerned. To reduce this scourge, we plan to raise their awareness, train them, inform them and supervise them. To carry out our mission and our vision, we immediately need a shelter, office equipment, because the one we had before was burned down by gangs; rolling stock to visit our members and circulate in the communes.

Important dates in our calendar

Here are important dates for women and girls.


  • April 4th: Movement of Haitian Women.

  • May 28th: Day dedicated to Women's Health.

  • October 15th: National Day of Rural Women.

  • November 25th: International Day Against Violence to Women


There are also other dates that we also create activities such as:


  • January 1st : Independence Day of Haiti, the representatives of the communes recall the importance and the meaning of our independence and at the same time drink the soup kitchen with the people of the said commune.

  • January 2nd : Cultural Activities for Young Women.

  • May 18th: Flag Day, cultural activities showcasing our flag.

  • Last Sunday of May: Dinner offered to mothers on the occasion of Mother's Day, the oldest and youngest are honored. Distribution of foods and hygienic kits.

  • December 31st: Popular atmosphere to close the year in beauty and joy. We organize cultural activities in the municipalities responding to the name of “Noêl Pam pi Bon”.

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